Couture Confessions by a Couturière

Couture Confession No. 5 Olivia Torma Couture Confessions



Couture Confession #5:

Do you know what your couture color palette is?
In her book “More Alive with Color”, Leatrice Eiseman talks about Colortime palettes that accord with three times of the day; Sunrise, Sunlight and Sunset. Her theories about color and how to choose your personal colour palette is well worth a read.
Sunrise colors tend to be more fresh, cool, crisp and bright. Think of the colors you see in the morning in any season. In Spring the daffodils are golden yellow, in Summer fresh limes and lemons are at their prime for picking, in Autmn pumpkin and squash are ready for cooking and in Winter, snowflakes are crisp and the brightest white and cover the ground like powdered icing sugar.
When commissioning a couture design, think about your favourite colors, the ones you have an affinity with and are naturally drawn to. Do they accentuate your eyes and your complexion? Or do you have a color palette for the seasons? You might only have a few colors that you prefer and use accent colors for lift. Remember that a color palette looks best in three…a dominant color, a subordinate color and an accent color. 
When choosing couture fabrics in your color palette, consider your makeup, hair color and accessories. And remember that little accents can sometimes draw a lot of attention, especially embroidery if you love embellished couture. I love to create embellished couture using traditional haute couture embroidery techniques.
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Source: More Alive with Color, L. Eiseman, Capital Books Inc, 2006, USA.


Edwardian Inspired Color Palette Olivia Torma Couture Confession No. 5

Edwardian Fashion Plates

Source: RISD


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