Couture Confessions by a Couturière

Couture Confession No. 6 Olivia Torma Couture Confessions

Look for the details!


Couture Confession #6:

Let’s face it, mass produced clothing has no soul and yet it has the power to make us acquire it rapidly without any concern for how it was put together and by who.

Have you ever wondered who’s hands were responsible for making a piece of clothing you have worn? Do you care? If fashion is an extension of our selves, then isn’t it in our interest to know the creater, the maker of the clothes we wear, where it was made, when and how? Wouldn’t you want to make this connection and take pride in knowing you were fashioned by someone who felt the same way?

Every maker wants to leave a mark on their creation. Whether they are anonymous or known, we can often find the mark of a maker on their work. Just like a unique signature left on a card, hand stitched finishes are the maker’s signature left on handmade clothing. In couture this signature is displayed in the most intricate and meticulous ways that goes beyond the aesthetics of simple often times quickly made handmade clothing. One way is how functional parts of a garment are finished. This includes hooks and eyes.

In couture some metal parts are considered unsightly and detract from the beauty of the finished piece. Hooks and eyes are no exception. These parts are concealed with tiny buttonhole stitches in threads that match the colour of the foundation fabric. Below is an example. These concealed hooks and eyes are fitted to the front opening of a vintage Jean Patou jacket made in wool voile. 

So next time you’re thinking of investing in handmade clothing and care about the maker and signature finishes, consider couture as your preferred option. It’s these little details and signature finishes that not only improve the appearance and add greater value to the clothes you wear, but they make you look and feel good when you wear them!

If this couture confession resonates with you, leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us. We’d love to hear from you!

Covered Hooks and Eyes Olivia Torma Couture

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